Saturday, September 04, 2010

Six New DVDs


Date Night starring Steve Carell and Tina Faye. Married couple encounter humorous predicaments when out on the town. With gratuitous pistol illustration on the front cover and gratuitous use of Mila Kunis on the back cover.

The Runaways starring Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning. Biopic of the rock band. Supposed to be a good picture.

The Dollyrots are signed to Joan Jett's record label,Blackheart Records. We have their new CD but it is not on the shelf yet. They were scheduled to play in Milwaukee on September 7th but the show is listed as cancelled on the venue's website. Here is an old song.

Bounty Hunter starring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Bounty hunter gets job to go after his bail-skipping ex-wife. Gratuitous photoshopping of Aniston's waistline on front cover, gratuitous shotgun posing on back cover.

The Ghost Writer starring Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan. Writer assists former political leader in writing his memoirs. Bill Crider mentioned this one but I do not recall if he liked the flick. Ever see that Brosnan movie where he is a Russian spy order to do a terrorist attack?

Last Song starring Miley Cyrus and Greg Kinnear. Teen romance? Teen tragedy? Father and daughter reconnect at seashore? Hard to tell from the front cover which is surprisingly free of gratuitous Miley Cyrus images.

Prophet starring [French people]. Teenager goes to prison and falls into league with a Corsican gang. Teenager forced to do several dangerous jobs all while keep his own plans secret. Supposed to be a great crime picture. Crider status unknown.

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Ghost Writer is very good.