NonFictionWhile America Sleeps by Russ Feingold. Former Senator writes a book. I dare you to look at the 1960s photo with Feingold and his father at not smirk and Feingold Jr.'s awful haircut.
Vigilant Investor: a former SEC enforcer reveals how to fraud-proof your investments by Pat Huddleston. "According to the FBI, Americans are conned out of roughly $40 billion dollars - the equivalent of one Madoff-sized mega-scam -
every single year through investment fraud."
The Operators:the wild and terrifying inside story of America's war in Afghanistan by Michael Hastings. Hastings wrote the article in
Rolling Stone that helped get General McChrystal canned. I've read criticism of Hastings but do not know how accurate the criticism is. Read this and decide for yourself.
Gypsy Boy: my life in the secret world of the Romany Gypsies by Mike Walsh. A bestseller in the UK. Walsh is gay and that was part of his reason for leaving the gypsy community. Since he would likely have been killed.
Haunted Wisconsin, Third Edition by Michael Norman. Page 106 says, "The pounding in the walls was not the only frightening experience the young girl had in the home."