Seeing Red by Sandra Brown. The cover illustration says"massive city fire" or "terrorist bombing in city". The author photo says, "Nice picture."
I Know A Secret by Tess Gerritsen. Cover image says, " Let's watch the sunrise on the beach." The author photo says, "Yep, that's Gerritsen. Looks like the photographer bought his chairs from an airport auction."
The Last Tudor by Philippa Gregory. Cover illustration says, "Hey, I kinda look like a woodcut, but I suppose not." The author photo says, "Good choice on the outdoor setting. That looks nice."
Exposed by Lisa Scottoline. Cover illustration says, "Woman stalks a guy with a bald spot." Author photo says, "This the same author photo as last time. Why get a new one for every book? Professional photographers are expensive and I have work to do."
Upon A Spring Breeze by Kelly Irvin. Cover photo says, "Amish woman enjoys flower gardening."This tiny black-and-white photo on interior paper did not reproduce well." The author biography says, "KANSAS! Woo-Hoo!"
How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry. Cover illustration says, "That's a nice drawing/painting.
Jessica Allen did well on that."
The Store by Richard DiLallo and James Patterson Literary Industries Amalgamated. The cover image says, " Woman on the run from danger." The author photo says, "Patterson takes a writing break to pose for a photo."
Comic Book Novel
The Mystery Knight by George R.R. Martin. Cover image says," A shield? Maybe?" Author photo says, "Beardy McBearderson."