Basketball's Greatest Stars by Michael Grange. Profiles of 50 stars basketball including pre-NBA. Many color photos.
The Gun by C.J. Chivers. "In a searing examination of modern conflict and official folly...mixes meticulous historical research, investigative reporting, and battlefield reportage to illuminate the origins of the world's most abundant firearm and the consequences of its spread."
The photo section has a picture with a rifle stock decorated with a photo of two women. The caption reads: Among those who use them, assault rifles can be intensely personal objects or symbols with many meanings. In 2009, an Afghan National Army soldier ... decorated his Kalashnikov with unveiled images of women - a seeming rebuke to the Taliban.
I was in a gun store in Scottsdale, Bear Arms, a few years ago and looking through the used and army surplus rifles they had. They was an old SKS there with a photo lacquered onto the stock of one of the actresses from the 90210 television series.
Eat, Pray, Love starring [famous woman] and [Spaniard]. Sit, Drift, Sleep.
Flipped starring Aidan Quinn, Bald Anthony Edwards, John Mahoney. Coming of age romance following boy and girl from second grade through middle school.
Grown Ups starring Adam Sandler. Childhood buddies get together for a weekend as adults. According to the back cover: someone gets shot with an arrow, a chubby guy swings on a rope, they wear matching shirts, they go on a water slide, their wives and girlfriends are too attractive to be attached to them.
The Expendables starring [many people]. Shooting. Explosions. Fighting. Fire balls. Airplanes. Sleeveless shirts.