Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Mexican Wrestling and JA Konrath Goes Undercover


Fiesta Lucha! with El Hijo Santo, Nicho El Millionario, Super Parka, and others. You can tell it's Mexican wrestling because of the masks.

Copa de Lucha! with L.A. Park, Hijo Del Santo, Rey Misterio, Sr. and others.

JCVD starring Jean-Claude van Damme. Van Damme plays himself as a washed-up action star who returns to Belgium for a break. He ends up caught in a bank during a robbery and the cops think he is the culprit.

Incendiary starring Obi-Won Kenobi, Michelle Williams. Mom in London loses kid in terrorist bombing when out to visit her secret lover. She gets caught up in the police investigation and a cover-up of the bombing.
I wonder if this is like that poor Brazilian guy the Limey cops shot in the subway.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. I don't care.


Afraid by Jack Kilborn (JA Konrath). A black helicopter crashes in rural Wisconsin and "unleashes something horrifying." A old sheriff, a firefighter, and a single mom have to fight to stop it.
According to Barry Eisler there is a horrifying and queasy part involving toe-sucking.
Does anyone in WI actually buy Schmidt beer?


Lucky Girl by Mei-Ling Hopgood. Mei-Ling was adopted and never cared about her Chinese background until her Taiwanese family tracked her down when she was in her twenties.

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