Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It Smells Like Manure Outside. I'm not sure if it is pig or chicken.


Black Hills by Dan Simmons. Another historical novel by Simmons. A young Sioux boy touches Custer right at the time of his death and Custer's ghost follows the boy for sixty years until 1936 when the Sioux man is working on the Mount Rushmore monument.

Simmons' book The Terror was really outstanding. Another of his books, Darwin's Blade, was a piece of crap. That is proof that no one is perfect. Even Crider, who is the one who recommended Darwin's Blade.

Heat Wave by Richard Castle. Novel from the television show. There is speculation on who ghosted the novel. Stephen J. Cannell gives a blurb on the back and is a common guess as the real writer.

Wild Zone by Joy Fielding. Some sort of book.

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Hey, I liked that book. But I did have reservations.