Friday, April 15, 2011

Friends Booksale SCORE!


The Friends Booksale is this weekend and I ran across this advance reader's copy of Daniel Woodrell's Bayou Trilogy with Under the Bright Lights, Muscle for the Wing, and The Ones You Do.

BAYOU TRILOGY by by Daniel Woodrell

After paying for the above item I decided to keep looking and lucked out on this paperback version of Bill Crider 's Of All Sad Words. I don't see Crider paperbacks very often.

OF ALL SAD WORDS by Bill Crider

I really like the cover design on this. I think it is much better than the hardcover's design. I already read this novel but I can use it to fix any wobbly tables.

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Guess which one would bring more on eBay.