Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Witches, Vampires, Stuttering, Ghosts, Hungry Dogu


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part One starring [You know already]. Harry Potter battles evil witches.

Eclipse starring [Heartthrobs]. Don't watch it. Don't. Save yourself.

King's Speech starring [English and Australians]. Morrissey has much to say on this. "Actually I despise royalty. I always have done. It's fairy story nonsense. The very idea of their existence in these days when people are dying daily because they don't have enough money to operate one's radiator in the house, to me is immoral. As far as I can see, money spent on royalty is money burnt." Don't forget Morrissey's lyrics to this one.

Juvenile DVD

Scooby-Doo: Curse of the Lake Monster starring [unknown actors]. Another live action Scooby-Doo movie. The animated flicks are crazy popular here.

Tron Legacy starring Bruce Boxleitner and Jeff Bridges. I still cannot understand why someone paid to remake/revisit such an awful movie.

Yogi Bear starring Tom Cavanagh and [voices]. Cartoon bear causes trouble while stealing pic-a-nic baskets.

Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader starring [kids]. Some animated lion tells kids to be heroic.

Aloha Scooby-Doo! starring [voice actors]. Scooby-Doo travels to Hawaii. Does Scooby-Doo travel inside the cabin or in a dog cage?

Young Adult

Spendor by Anna Godbersen. Romance? Girl on cover is wearing purple dress with a really long train.

Swoon by Nina Malkin. Looks like another vampire thing. Let me check. Nope a mean girls, boarding school, ghost inhabiting lead character novel.

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