Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Joe R. Lansdale, Green Arrow, Dexter


The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror, 2011 edited by Paula Guran. This has a Joe R. Lansdale story. A Neil Gaiman story. Other people.

City of Whispers by Marcia Muller. Muller is married to Bill Pronzini. When they are bored they throw rocks in San Francisco Bay.

Double Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. Lindsay used to go by Jeffry, not Jeff. I used to go by Gerard The Great, Master of All, Brilliant Sun of Knowledge, and Wickedest Wit of the Universe. [That name never caught on like I thought it would.]

Vacation by Matthew Costello. Nice cover illustration with a metal sink or shower drain covered in blood splatter and an all white background.

GLEE: foreign exchange by Sophia Lowell. Lee Goldberg had some neat things to say about the future of writing tie-in novels.

Green Arrow: into the woods by J.T. Krul. Guy with magic arrows fights evil. I think. I just flipped through and Arrow may just be a hero and not a superhero with powers and magic and such.

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