Monday, October 28, 2013

Donald Driver, German Zombie Attorney


Driven by Donald Driver with Peter Golenbock.  Growing up poor in Houston.  Playing for the Packers.


Mad Men: Season 5 starring That One Dude, That Other Dude With Grey Hair, That Redheaded Lady With Bosoms.  Advertising people drink too much and dress nicely.

World War Z starring Brad Pitt, CGI Zombies, CGI Explosions, CGI Helicopters.  German zombies almost take over the world.

AudioBooks on CD

David and Goliath: underdogs, misfits, and the art of battling giants by Malcolm Gladwell.  6 CDs at 7 hours.  Why do underdogs win?  Or something like that.  I'm too distracted by the author's crazy hair.

The Black Book by Ian Rankin.  9 CDs at 10 hours.  John Rebus digs deadly dirt in cold case of arson.

Identical by Scott Turow.  11 CDs at 12 hours.  "Tangle of deception" with politics and murder.

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