Monday, February 17, 2014

Joe R. Lansdale? Again? Yes, Again.


The Ape Man's Brother by Joe R. Lansdal.  Tarzan and his ape brother are living a happy jungle life.  An expedition convinces them to go to New York where they have a great time until Tarzan does something embarassing in public.


The Internship starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. Two older guys lose their jobs and get internships at Google.

Riddick starring Vin Diesel.  Unpleasant antihero is unpleasant.

The Act of Killing by Joshua Oppenheimer.  Unpleasant men are not antiheroes.  They are murderers who not only escaped justice but are still feted.

Grieving the Sudden Death of a Loved One by Paracelte Press.  Dealing with despair.

Touring on Two Wheels with Dennis Gage.  Motorcycle tours in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Quebec and elsewhere.

Audiobooks on CD

Half the Blood of Brooklyn by Charlie Huston.  8.5 hours on 7 CDs.  Noir vampire if a NYC kinda-P.I. for other vampires.  Fun stuff.  No sparkling.

Stand-In Groom by Suzanne Brockmann.  6.75 hours on 6 CDs.  "But the rules of the erotic game they were playing were dangerously shifting with every touch, every glance."

Time Enough for Love by Suzanne Brockmann.   5.9 hours on 5 CDs. 

The Mission, The Men, and Me: lessons from a former Delta Force commander by Pete Blaber.  I liked that show The Unit.


Cook on a Shoestring by Sophie Wright.  Not to be confused to Sophie Littelfield who writes novels.  Wright was a cooking wunderkind in the UK.

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