Thursday, January 22, 2015

King Crider's Cowboys Are Cold In July


Cold In July starring Michael C. Hall, Sam Shepard and Don Johnson.  Man kills burglar and the dead man's scary dad wants revenge.  Adaptation of a Joe R. Lansdale story and Lansdale says the movie is good.

Equalizer starring Denzel Washington. Let's see what Max Allan Collins says: [A] terrific Spillane-style THE EQUALIZER...The film even begins with a scene that re-works the opening of MY GUN IS QUICK. Washington is terrific as the self-contained, haunted hero, and a final action sequence in a Menard’s-type big-box store is blackly funny and satisfying as hell.

The Drop starring Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini. Crime flick in Boston. What's Patti Abbot think: It’s hard to think how this film could be any better although it moves slowly. But that’s Bob. And Bob is the heart of the film. Highly recommended.

Archer: the complete season three and the complete season four starring Duchess and a cast of crazies.  You know the drill.  Archer is a jerk and causes trouble.  You watch the whole thing and laugh a lot.


Texas Vigilante by Bill Crider.  Sequel to Outrage at Blanco which is still in processing.  Ellie revenged her murdered husband in 1880s Texas and now runs a ranch.  Escaped convicts descend on her ranch to go after one of Ellie's ranch hands.  [I was going to write "one of Ellie's hands".  That could be neat, maybe they just want revenge on a couple fingers. They have nothing against Ellie as a whole, but those fingers have it coming!]

First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen. Book with an apple on the cover.

Cane and Abe by James Grippando. This cover is similar to another novel.

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

Lansdale's right. The movie is good. Too bad they didn't make a movie of Texas Vigilante. That would be good, too.