Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Outrage at Crider's Manuscripts


Outrage at Blanco by Bill Crider.  Revenge in a western? Unthinkable! Ellie is after the men who murdered her husband and raped her in 1887 Blanco, TX.  Blanco? Is that a real place? I will check...yep, it's 50 miles North of San Antonio.

But, does the Blanco, TX public library have a copy? Let me see...Yep, they do. But they have the 1998 paperback from Dell. We have the brand new trade paperback with a fancy cover.


Manuscripts Don't Burn by [Iranians}. The Iranian tries to solve their problems by murdering journalists.  "Great idea," says the most sarcastic voice ever.

Lucy starring Scarlett Johansson.  Shoot-em up SciFi. I think. Let's look at the trailer.

From Time to Time starring Maggie Smith and a bunch of Harry Potter actors.

1 comment:

mybillcrider said...

The 1998 edition would be the "classic" cover.