Friday, November 20, 2015

A Lansdale, A Collins, A Gorman, and Four NonFic

Joe R. Lansdale

Fender Lizards by Joe R. Lansdale. The Sage of East Texas writes another YA novel. Except this is shelved in regular fiction. Oh well, let's see how it runs in regular fic.


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R.R. Martin illustrations by Gary  Gianni. Something to do with swords and horses and stuff. Gianni used to illustrate the Prince Valiant weeklies. I read Valiant.

Fate of the Union by Max Allan Collins and Matthew V. Clemens. Collins and Clemens - or - Collins/Clemens - or - CC write a second novel featuring ex-Secret Service Agent Joe Reeder investigating murder and political conspiracy. The first book, Supreme Justice, was good and is over in the Fiction section. To my left. No, my left. Go down, turn right at the break in the shelves, and it will be in the first aisle.

On Monday the Library Board was looking at sample chairs to replace the chairs in Library Hall. The saleslady said the chairs were made by HON in Muscatine, Iowa. I said, "That's where Max Allan Collins lives." She said, "Okay."

Elimination by Ed Gorman.  Gorman also lives in Iowa. I read a previous novel featuring political consultant Dev Conrad. That book was enjoyable. If you read this one tell me if you like it. If you don't like it you can email Gorman and tell him all the reasons why. I hear that authors love those kinds of emails.

The Mistletoe Inn by Richard Paul Evans. Evans lives in Utah. I wonder how much time he has spent in Iowa. Most of my Iowa time has been drive time.


Milwaukee Mayhem: Murder and mystery in the Cream City's first century by Matthew W. Prigge. I've spent a some overnights in Iowa with relatives but that was over 30 years ago in Marshalltown.

Navigating the Alzheimer's Journey: a compass for caregiving by Carol Bowlby Sifton. I had an overnight recruiting trip to Wartburg College in 1988 or 1989. I was there for a scholarship competition.

A Settler's Year: pioneer life through the seasons by Kathleen Ernst. Set in Old World Wisconsin. I've been to Old World Wisconsin when my older son's fourth grade class took a trip there.

The Givenness of Things: essays by Marilynne Robinson. Old World Wisconsin is not in Iowa.

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