Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DVD and My Hurt Finger


Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation starring Tom Cruise and a bunch of other people. Tom Cruise has fawning journalists ask "Did you do your own stunts?"

Old DVDs

Bad Boys starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. Blech. This was a donation that I figured would go out.

Bad Boys II starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. Blech. This was a donation that I figured would go out.

Spy Game starring Robert Redord and Brad Pitt. Old guy teaches spying to young guy.  Another donation that could go out.

The Grudge 2 starring Sarah Michelle Gellar and other people. Some sort of horror flick. Another donation that could go out.

My Busted Finger

My finger was hyperextended a month or so ago. I was using a computer tablet as I walked on the treadmill in my basement. I fumbled the tablet, tried to grab it, and fell onto the treadmill. As I was falling I thought to myself that I should twist around, land on my side or back, and have the tread shove me off the back of the treadmill.Nope, I put out my hand onto the tread and the tread forced my hand down and bent it back.
Anyway. My finger was still swollen and hurting and I went to the doctor Monday They X-rayed my hand just to see if anything was wrong and I have a a small fracture. Not a big deal and I was told to buddy tape the fingers and avoid using the finger. My typing is much slower and filled with errros.

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