Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Usual Appearances


Burning Land by Bernard Cornwell. Cornwell takes a break from killing Frenchmen and goes back to the Danish and English killing each other instead.

The Wolf at the Door by Jack Higgins. Members of the British Prime Minister's "private army" are being assassinated in the U.K and U.S. Hey, an Elvis Costello song just came on.

Kisser by "Stuart Woods". Woods's ghost writers are hard at work writing Stone Barrington novels. I wish I knew who wrote some of those Nick Stone novels for Andy McNab.

Silencer by James W. Hall. I read a couple Hall books before. He does good work. Hall's recurring character, Thorn, is kidnapped after the murder of a man intent on donating his land for conservavtion. Hey, a Crowded House song just came on and I found a link.


Bo Ryan: another hill to climb by Bo Ryan with Mike Lucas. Autobiography of the UW-Madison basketball coach and member of the 500-win club.

Tim Russert, We Heartily Knew Ye: wonderful stories from friends celebrating a great life edited by Rich Wolfe.

Large Print

Committed: a skeptic makes peace with marriage by Elizabeth Gilbert. Sing with me again: I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.

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