Monday, March 01, 2010

Janette Oke and More Vampires


Janette Oke Movies

You know why these movies annoy me? I never hear about their release dates. The DVDs are quite popular and always check out, but I never hear when the new ones come out. Heck, I just looked at the studio's website and found out that the eighth one, Love Finds A Home, was released this past November. Dang it!

Love's Unending Legacy starring Erin Cottrell. Fifth in the Love Comes Softly series. Missie and her young son move nearer to her parents two years after Missie was widowed. Missie adopts a teen girl off an orphan train and starts to dig the local sheriff.

Love's Unfolding Dream starring Erin Cottrell. Sixth in the series. Missie's adopted daughter wants to become a doctor against the resistance of the local doctor and her own boyfriend.

Feeling Better Now

A tune by Richard Thompson, Mr. Rebound, just came up on my computer. I decided to listen to all the songs beginning with Mr. and Mr. Rabbit was next. Listen here, player in upper right corner.

Another DVD

Vampire's Assistant starring Salma Hayek, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek's Breasts, Chris Massoglia. Teen visits a traveling sideshow called Cirque Du Freak. He trades in his ordinary life to be a vampire with the Cirque, "his existence as a member of the undead is filled with more challenges, suspense and fun than he ever thought possible."

Best of Johnny Carson and Friends. Four DVDs worth at 23 hours. 23 hours? Screw that.


Indian Mounds of Wisconsin by Robert A. Birmingham and Leslie E. Eisenberg. People like to steal these books. Filthy, thieving weasels. ABout 4,000 mounds remain in Wisconsin. Drive over to the mound at Aztalan State Park. Just don't bring your four year old because he will be bored.

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