Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm Taking Photos So It Must Be Snowing


Several inches of snow are forecast for today and tomorrow. Or so I am told. I have paid little attention to this winter's weather forecasts.

Returning from City Hall
Walkway connecting City Hall with Commons Park

Are time and temperature clocks popular in other countries? What say you, Dunedin? These clocks are popular with banks in the States.
Time and Temp clock at Associated Bank

Coffee Stop on the way back to the Library.
Getting coffee at Water House Foods

Outdoor, makeshift coffee table.
I did not forget my coffee


1 comment:

dunedin said...

We used to have a time and temperature clock on one of our tall buildings but when it was refurbished it disappeared. They do have them in some towns and cities. Always good to know what the temperature is outside, specially when you spend most of the days in a room with no windows.
I check our Dunedin City Council website and that always has the temperature. It is 2:52pm and 19C (66.2F)here now. Dunedin