Monday, April 18, 2011

Beagles, Bones, Bread


Beaglemania: a Pet Rescue mystery by Linda O. Johnston. According to the cover four Beagle puppies get lost in a storm sewer and climb atop one another to look out a storm drain. According to the author bio Johnston owns two spaniels. I own a big, hairy beast masquerading as a dog.

A Creed in Stone Creek by Linda Lael Miller. Another McKettrick romance set in Arizona. According to the cover illustrations Arizona is populated with lanky male models wearing cowboy hats.

World's Greatest Sleuth by Steve Hockensmith. Big Red and Old Red leave the range for the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago to compete in a mystery solving contest.

Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker. According to the author photo the author needs a haircut. Oh, he lives in Austin. Well, that's okay then.

Rise of the Iron Moon by Stephen Hunt. Hunt not Hunter. No rifle shooting. A steampunk novel.

Quicksilver by Amanda Quick. Psychic monsters or something.

Sixth Man by David Baldacci. Two lawyers called to assist with a serial killer's defense find the lead attorney murdered.

Eve by Iris Johansen. A thriller.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. I don't know what this is about but since it is very popular already I don't have to.

Field Gray by Philip Kerr. "Meet one of the great protagonists in thriller literature."

Sweet Valley Confidential: ten years later by Francine Pascal. The Wakefield twins have a big falling out.

Friendship Bread by Darien Gee. One of those novels where women bake something, solve all their personal problems, and make friends.

Gideon's Sword by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Revenge.

Red on Red by Edward Conlon. Detective for NYPD that writes for New Yorker.

As the Crow Flies by Maris Soul. "Another P.J. Benson Mystery." Mix those initials and you get a peanut butter and jelly mystery.

Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Urban New Yorker inherits 30 acre farm. Makes friends.

Altar of Bones by Philip Carter. My guess based off the cover illustration is that this novel is a Da Vinci Code style mystery.

Heartbeat Away by Michael Palmer. President and Cabinet are stuck in Capitol Building due to quarantine.


Uncle Al Capone by Deirdre Marie Capone. She never knew her kind uncle in Florida was a gangster.

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