Monday, May 07, 2012

Reloading Mended Pencil Jewelry


Reloading for Handgunners by Patrick Sweeney.  Page 115 says, "Uniformly-seated primers are an important part of accurate ammunition."

Mend it Better: creative patching, darning, and stitching and Kristin M. Roach.  Page 82 says, "It was perfect with sweaters, tights, cute jackets, woven scarves, and all that other glorious winter attire."

Creating Textures in Colored Pencil by Gary Greene.  Page 108 says, "Layer Light Umber."

The Bead Jewelry Bible by Dorothy Wood.  Page 49 says, "Tie the ends together, working two reef knots one after the others (see Tying Knots)."

Service: a Navy SEAL at war by Marcus Luttrell with James D. Hornfischer.  Page 89 says, "Finally, we reached our destination - an abandoned four-story building situated on a circular chain of streets that everybody called the Racetrack."

The Passage of Power by Robert A. Caro.  Page 451 says, "It went against his nature - against his desire, his need, for control, and for the secrecy which is a form of control - control and secrecy that he would have had had he insisted that the investigation into the assassination be made by a Texas court of inquiry that was under his thumb and by an FBI headed by a longtime ally."

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