Thursday, June 09, 2016

Fiction, 1-7. With author photo commentary!


Haunted Destiny by Heather Graham. Something in the "Krewe of Hunters" series. Graham has glamorous hair in her author photo.

Cavendon Luck by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Nice cover design.  Bradford's author photo is almost full body, that's kinda neat.

End of Watch by Stephen King. Trilogy sequel to Mr. Mercedes and Finders Keepers. Black and white author photo. The photo is tiny, too.

Homecoming by Yaa Gyasi. 300 years a Ghanian history from life in Ghana to the people sold into slavery overseas. Another black and white photo. It looks like Gyasi is wearing a grey shirt. But is she? There is no colors in the photo to tell.

Dishonorable Intentions by Stuart Woods. Snake on the cover. Same author photo on the back.

Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger. I like the title and the cover design. I have not yet read an Unger book. I have seen her photo. Looks like the photo was taken in late afternoon. I think she is wearing purple.

The Children by Ann Leary. Leary is wearing grey for her photo. The grey garment kinda looks like a rain coat. The photographer spells her first name "Cathrine". No, it's not a raincoat Leary has on, it's a duster. Another Leary photo is on White's webpage. According to that web page Leary does a lot of work in black and white and photos plenty of celebrities.

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