Monday, November 17, 2014

Mustafa and Adem Return With Literary Fiction


Once A Warrior by Anthony Neil Smith. This book was sitting so long in catalogig I forgot all about it. The first book with these characters, All the Young Warriors, was excellent. Former Minneapolis gang leaders Mustafa is asked to rescue a woman trapped in the sex slave trade. Mustafa's son, Adem, is looking to re-connect with the woman he left behind in Somalia during his pirate debacle in the first novel.

A Sudden Light by Garth Stein.  Author of The Art Racing in the Rain. I never read that book.

The High Divide by Lin Enger. Frontier woman's husband runs off in 1886 Minnesota. Her sons chase him. She has to to chase after the three of them.

Doll-baby by Laura Lane McNeal.  McNeal has blond hair and lives in New Orleans.  The novel has a girl dropped with her crazy grandmother in 1966 New Orleans.

Etta Mae's Worst Bad-Luck Day by Ann B. Ross.  Ross wore a green shirt for aher author photo. Ross has a PhD from University of North Carolina. I wonder her reaction was to the academic scandal involving the men's athletic programs where athletes were given "paper" classes and the athletes tutor's wrote their assignments.

Beat to a Pulp: Hardboiled 3 edited by David Cranmer and Elise Wright. Short fiction previously published online. This one took forever to get cataloged, too.

The Big Keep by Meilssa F. Olson. This also took forever to catalog. Olson is from Madison and plugged her book on Smith's (see above) blog. Female P.I. takes case to find teen boy's father. Danger ensues.

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